Skin growths

Meet your dermatologist to treat skin growths

Aluer-Skin clinic in calicut

Unwanted growth of skin cells and subcutaneous tissue is the result. Moles may range in shape and colour from flat to elevated and from dark brown or black to red or skin-colored. They may be present at birth, or they may manifest at a later period.

If caught early enough, the skin cells won’t be able to invade other organs. This skin bump does not pose any carcinogenic risks. If the tumour is allowed to continue growing unchecked, it may develop into cancer and begin invading nearby healthy tissues.

Seborrheic dermatitis, commonly known as seborrheic eczema, is a skin disorder characterised by sebaceous gland irritation and overactivity. It may damage hair follicles and limit hair growth if left untreated. The disorder is caused by Pityrosporum ovale, a naturally occurring yeast fungus that feeds on sebum when the body’s usual defences fail to regulate its development. The increase in sebum production, together with the presence of the fungus, may cause inflammation, itching, and irritation, possibly leading in hair loss and stifling hair growth in the impacted region.