Nail infections

Meet your dermatologist for nail infection treatment

Aluer-Skin clinic in calicut

Keratin, a protein, makes nails strong and protects against harm. Damaged, discoloured, or infected fingernails suggest a health issue that must be treated.

Your dermatologist will check your nails and the skin around them to determine whether you have nail fungus. Fungus may spread from the skin, therefore it’s crucial to keep an eye on it. A fungal infection of the skin, such as athlete’s foot, might already be present.

You have to treat the whole diseased region if you want the infection to go away.

Your dermatologist may obtain samples before making a final diagnosis. It’s good to collect some dirt from under a nail, cut off a piece of the nail, or scrape off a small section of skin. These samples may then be studied in detail under a microscope in a lab to determine the root of the issue.

Nail infections may arise for a variety of reasons. Fungal infections are the most prevalent cause, in which fungi infiltrate the nails and produce colour and thickness. Although less prevalent, bacterial infections may also infect the nails, typically as a consequence of injury or contact to polluted water. Warts on or around the nails may form as a result of viral infections caused by viruses such as HPV. Infections may be exacerbated by trauma or damage to the nails, since bacteria or fungus can enter via cracks or breaks. Inadequate nail cleanliness, such as improper washing and cutting, may foster fungal and bacterial development. Nail infections may be prevented and managed with proper care, cleanliness, and quick treatment.